Click Here for VBS 2025!


Our Heart...

At Zion, it is our desire for each individual who walks through our doors or joins us online, to experience a genuine and passionate connection with the Lord through our times of worship. We realize worship does not just get expressed in the form of music, but it overflows through each part of our daily lives. As such, in all the elements of our service - and in our lives outside these four walls - we seek to draw attention to Jesus and give Him glory! 

Our Expression...

The music  in our traditional worship follows Lutheran liturgical worship found in the Lutheran Service Book. You will most often hear hymnody, chant, pipe organ, and handbells. Zion loves to sing and we particularly love to sing out with cherished hymns of our faith.

The music in our modern services is contemporary. Most often, we worship utilizing a full band, incorporating the beauty of strings, artistic lighting and stage design. We also love to include and revel in the truth found in the older hymns of our faith. We celebrate at the Lord's table as a family, remembering the sacrifice He made for us. Overall, our goal is to draw attention to Jesus and help others engage with the wonder of who He is and all He has done.

Worship Band

Zion offers modern worship during the 10:45 a.m. service. We have a team of rotating band players and singers. Our band consists of piano... 


We seek vocalists with great pitch, a heart to worship and an ability to blend and pick out harmony parts to join our Worship Band...

Tech Team

This team includes camera operators, sound, lighting, lyrics, and the list goes on! Audio, Video and Lighting are tools...

Adult Choir

The Adult Choir is open to anyone high school age and above. We are a seasonal choir which meets September through April...


Our handbell ensemble rehearses September through April on Wednesday evenings. The handbell ensemble makes a joyful noise and primarily plays...

Kids Choir

Children’s choir is a fun music group designed for kids age 1st grade through 5th grade. More information to come...